Budget Billing
Budget billing time at JCCUD is during April and May of each year, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to sign up. There are many advantages to being on budget billing such as having the convenience of paying the same amount on your gas bill each month, even during peak heating months. Also you will never pay a late fee while on budget billing.
Who is eligible to sign up for budget billing?
Budget billing is available at no charge for JCCUD’s natural gas and propane residential customers, as well as commercial users with non-demand meters. You must have at least twelve months of usage.
How does JCCUD determine my monthly budget amount?
Your average utility bill is calculated by using the previous twelve months plus 10 percent. You must have a zero balance to sign up for budget billing.
What if my actual bill is more or less than my monthly budget amount?
You still pay the budget bill amount.
Will my budget bill amount remain the same each year?
Your account is reviewed each April and a letter is mailed to you giving you the following options:
- If your account has a credit, you have the option of leaving the credit amount on your account which will lower your next year’s budget amount or we can refund the credit to you.
- If you have a balance on your account, you have the option of paying the balance which would make your next year’s budget amount as calculated or you can leave the balance and your budget amount will be higher.
Budget Billing Application
Budget Billing allows you, our customer, to pay a set monthly amount for your natural or propane gas service. The amount is based on your past twelve (12) month’s gas usage.
To sign up, the customer’s gas account must have twelve (12) month’s usage and a zero balance.
Budget Billing is for natural or propane gas only. Other charges for appliances, service or labor are not eligible for Budget Billing.
The Budget Billing Plan (which is the Equal Monthly Payment Plan) allows the customer to pay a set monthly amount for their gas service. The amount is based on the customer’s past twelve (12) month’s usage plus 10%.
Customers are permitted to sign up for Budget Billing in April or May of each year. The Plan runs April to March with the customer’s account adjusted the first of April each year. When the account is reviewed in April, if there is a balance, you have the option of paying the balance or leaving on the account. If your account has a credit, you have the option of leaving the credit or requesting a refund of the credit. Your Budget Billing amount for the next year will be adjusted accordingly based on the actual past twelve (12) month’s usage and your decision as to a balance or credit on account. If at anytime the Budget Billing payments become delinquent, the account is subject to be removed from Budget Billing.
JCCUD or the customer have the right to discontinue Budget Billing at any time. Agreements discontinued by the customer or the Utility cannot be renewed for one (1) year. If an agreement is terminated, the Utility will refund any credit due or the customer will pay any balance due.
If a Budget Billing customer is removed from Budget Billing due to non-payment or at the request of customer and a balance remains on the account, the account will fall under Jefferson Cocke County Utility District’s normal collection policy.